
















3.汝少国,田华等。海洋公益科研专项典型海湾受损生境修复生态工程和效果评价技术集成与示范”(编号:2013418043, 2013-2016)子课题,20131-201712月,47万元。

4.汝少国,田华等。国家海洋公益科研项目“海洋溢油污染风险评估及应急响应关键技术集成及应用示范” (编号:201205012),子课题,20121-201512月。



1.汝少国. 国家自然科学基金以海洋线虫为模型动物的环境雌激素活体筛选”(编号:30671618)2007-2009年,30.0万元.

2.汝少国. 国家自然科学基金青年基金久效磷对鱼类环境雌激素效应的生物标记物研究”(编号:30200211)2003-2005年,22.0万元.

3.汝少国. 国家自然科学基金环境胁迫条件下鱼鳃细胞Na+/K+-ATP酶抗体标记研究”(编号:39870580)1999-2001年,11.0万元.

4.邴欣等. 国家自然科学基金久效磷对雄性金鱼下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴的干扰作用研究”(编号:30800844)2009-201119.0万元.


6.王蔚等。国家自然科学基金大豆异黄酮影响罗非鱼生长的神经内分泌调控机理研究”(编号31170322) 20121-201512月,60万元。





1 汝少国。青岛经济技术开发区生态工业园规划验收。环保部,2014-2017年,157万元。

2 汝少国。青岛经济技术开发区生态工业园规划。环保部,2011-2014年,174万元。

3 汝少国。青岛高新技术开发区生态工业园验收报告。环保部,2011-2014年,74万元。

4 汝少国。山东德力西再生塑料生态工业园建设规划。2009年,77万元。

5 汝少国。青岛市麦岛污水处理厂续建工程环境影响报告书。青岛市环保局,2009年,94万元。

6 汝少国。青岛市海水淡化项目环境影响报告书与海域使用论证2008-2011年,120万元。


1 谢锋,汝少国,杨宗雷编著。中国废塑料污染现状和绿色技术。中国环境科学出版社,2011年。

2 汝少国,田雨,李赟编. 第五章,海洋生态系统. 管华诗主编《蓝色的国土》,山东科学技术出版社,2007248-318.

3 汝少国,庄仲华著. 伸向海洋的杀手. 海洋出版社. 2001.

4 汝少国,李永祺编. 第二章,有机磷农药对海洋动物的毒性效应. 李永祺主编《海水养殖生态环境的保护与改善》, 山东科学技术出版社,1999: 26-60.


1 Wang zhenyu, Zhang Xiaona, Tian Hua, Wang Wei, Ru Shaoguo*. Effects of monocrotophos pesticide on steroidogenesis and transcription of steroidogenic enzymes in rainbow trout RTG-2 cells involving the protein kinase A signal pathway. Toxicology in vitro, 2015, 29(1): 155-161. (SCI, IF=3.20)

2 Wang Jun, Bing Xin, Yu Kun, Tian Hua, Wang Wei, Ru Shaoguo*. Preparation of a polyclonal antibody against goldfish (Carassius auratus) vitellogenin and its application to detect the estrogenic effects of monocrotophos pesticide. Ecotox. Environ. Safe, 2015, 111, 109-116. (SCI, IF=2.482)

3 Hu Yanbing, Sun Shan, Song Xiukai, Ma Jianxin, Ru Shaoguo*. Distributions and ecological risk assessment of HCHs and DDTs in the surface seawater and sediment from the mariculture area of the Jincheng Bay, Bohai Sea, China. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2015 14 (2): 1-8. (SCI, IF=0.427)

4 Gong Yufeng, Tian Hua, Wang Lijia, Yu Suping, Ru Shaoguo*. An Integrated Approach Combining Chemical Analysis and an In Vivo Bioassay to Assess the Estrogenic Potencyof a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Leachate in Qingdao. Plos one, 2014, 9(4): 1-9. (SCI, IF=3.53)

5 Dong Yifei, Tian Hua, Wang Wei, Zhang Xiaona, Liu Jinxiang, Ru Shaoguo*. Disruption of the thyroid system by the thyroid-disrupting compound Aroclor 1254 in juvenile Japanese flounder (Paralichthysolivaceus). Plos one, 2014, 9(8): e104196. (SCI, IF=3.53)

6 Zhang Xiaona, Tian Hua, Wang Wei, Ru Shaoguo*. Monocrotophos pesticide decreases the plasma levels of total 3,3′,5-triiodo-L-thyronine and alters the expression of genes associated with the thyroidal axis in female goldfish (Carassius auratus). Plos one, 2014, 9(9): e108972. (SCI, IF = 3.53)

7 Wang Zhenyu, Sun Meng, Tian Hua, Gao Su, Wang Wei, Ru Shaoguo*. Estrogenic effects of monocrotophos standard on male goldfish, Carassius auratus: Induction of vitellogenin synthesis and alternation of testicular ultrastructure and function. Animal biology, 2014, 64: 311-331. (SCI, IF=0.614)

8 Hu Yanbing, Gong Xianghong, Xu Yingjiang, Song Xiukai, Liu Huihui, Deng Xuxiu, Ru Shaoguo*. Risk assessment of butyltins based on a fugacity-based food web bioaccumulation model in the Jincheng Bay mariculture area: I. model development. Environ Sci Process Impacts. 2014, 16, 1994 –2001 (SCI, IF=2.085)

9 Hu Yanbing, Gong Xianghong, Xu Yingjiang, Song Xiukai, Liu Huihui, Deng Xuxiu, Ru Shaoguo*. Risk assessment of butyltins based on a fugacity-based food web bioaccumulation model in the Jincheng Bay mariculture area: II. Risk assessment. Environ Sci Process Impacts, 2014, 16, 2002 –2006 (SCI, IF=2.085)

10 Gao Su, Wang Wei, Tian Hua, Zhang Xiaona, Guo Linlin, Ru Shaoguo. An Emerging Water Contaminant, Semicarbazide, Exerts an Anti-estrogenic Effect in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 2014, 93: 280-288. (SCI, IF=1.105)

11 Zhang Xiaona, Gao Lei, Yang Kunfeng, Tian Hua, Wang Wei, Ru Shaoguo*. Monocrotophos pesticide modulates the expression of sexual differentiation genes and causes phenotypic feminization in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: 2013, 157(1): 33–40. (SCI, IF=2.616).

12 Tian Hua, Li Yun, Wang Wei, Wu Peng, Ru Shaoguo*. Exposure to monocrotophos pesticide during sexual development causes the feminization/demasculinization of the reproductive traits and a reduction in the reproductive success of male guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2012, 263: 163-170. (SCI, IF=4.447)

13 Xu Lei, Tian Hua, Wang Wei, Ru Shaoguo*. Effects of monocrotophos pesticide on serotonin metabolism during early development in the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol, 2012, 34(2): 537-547. (SCI, IF=1.469)

14 Wang Xing-Xing, Chi Zhe, Peng Ying, Wang Xiang-Hong, Ru Shao-Guo, Chi Zhen-Ming. Purification, characterization and gene cloning of the killer toxin produced by the marine-derived yeast Williopsis saturnus WC91-2. Microbiological Research, 2012, 167: 558–563. (SCI, IF=2.308)

15 Wang Xing-Xing, Chi Zhe, Ru Shaoguo*, Chi Zhen-Ming. Genetic surface-display of methyl parathion hydrolase on Yarrowia lipolytica for removal of methyl parathion in water. Biodegradation, 2012, 23:763–774 (SCI, IF=2.017)

16 Pan Zongbao, Tian Hua, Wang Wai, Wang Jun, Ru Shaoguo*. Identification, Purification, and Immunoassay of Stone Flounder(kareius bicolouratus) Vitellogenin. J Korean Soc Appl Biol Chem (2012)55,219-227. (SCI, IF=0.365)

17 Yao Dan, Ru Shaoguo, Katow Hideki. The neurotoxic effects of monocrotophos on the formation of the serotonergic nervous system and swimming activity in the larvae of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 30 (2010) 181–187. (SCI, IF=1.38)

18 Tian Hua, Ru Shaoguo*, Bing Xin, Wang Wei. Effects of monocrotophos on the reproductive axis in the male goldfish (Carassius auratus): potential mechanisms underlying vitellogenin induction. Aquat Toxicol. 98(2010)67-73(SCI, IF=3.517).

19 Tian Hua, Ru Shaoguo*, Wang Wei, Bing Xin. Effects of monocrotophos on the reproductive axis in the female goldfish (Carassius auratus). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C 152 (2010) 107-113 (SCI, IF=2.530).

20 Tian Hua, Ru Shaoguo*, Wang Zhenyu, Cai Wenting, Wang Wei. Estrogenic effects of monocrotophos evaluated by vitellogenin mRNA and protein induction in male goldfish (Carassius auratus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 150 (2009) 231-236 (SCI, IF=2.530).

21 Liu Yunzhang, Wang Wei, Ru Shaoguo*, Zhao Yuanyuan. Evidence for the production of a proteinous hemolytic exotoxin by wild-type strain of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Journal of applied phycology.20082089-95 (SCI 收录).

22 Wang Wei, Song Xiukai, Ru Shaoguo*. Studies on the factors affecting the growth and hemolytic activity of Anabaena variabilis. Journal of applied phycology200719:365-371 (SCI收录).


1.汝少国 李永祺, 姜明,丁美丽,丛日山。有机磷农药对中国对虾的毒性效应及诱发对虾病害的研究。中华人民共和国教育部科学技术进步三等奖, 1999130.

2.汝少国. 首届青岛市青年科技奖。青岛市,199712.


1.汝少国, 王军, 王蔚, 田华. 利用卵黄脂磷蛋白抗体定性检测鱼类卵黄原蛋白的试剂盒. 中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,专利号:ZL 2012 1 0559592.1

2.汝少国, 王军, 王蔚, 田华. 定性检测鲤科鱼类卵黄脂磷蛋白的试剂盒及其应用. 中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,专利号:ZL 2012 1 0557080.1

3.汝少国等。山东省废塑料资源化行业污染防治技术政策( DB37/ T 1865-2011)2011年。


通讯地址:青岛市市南区鱼山路5号,青岛海洋大学海洋生命学院 (266003)

