以嗜热四膜虫为模式生物,从事表观遗传学的研究,主要兴趣包括:1)DNA复制的表观遗传调控机制; 2)组蛋白翻译后修饰对四膜虫大小核分化及基因表达的调控机理;3) DNA腺嘌呤甲基化(6mA)的功能和进化
2005/09– 2011/06 中国海洋大学,理学博士
2006/10– 2007/03 德国基尔大学,中德交换博士生
2009/01 – 2010/12 美国密歇根大学,“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目” 联合培养博士生
2001/09– 2005/06 中国海洋大学,理学学士
2011/07– 2014/01,美国密歇根大学,病理学系, 博士后
6. 中国海洋大学“英才计划”特别资助项目,筛选影响DNA复制的表观遗传因子、2014/03-2017/03、60万元、在研、主持。
#双首 *通讯
1. JieXiong#, Shan Gao#, WenDui, Wentao Yang, Xiao Chen, Sean D. Taverna, Ronald E. Pearlman, WendyAshlock, Wei Miao and Yifan Liu (2016). Dissecting relative contribution ofcis- and trans- determinants to nucleosome distribution by comparingTetrahymena macronuclear and micronuclear chromatin. Nucleic AcidsResearch, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw684.
2.JieHuang, Xiaotian Luo, William A. Bourland, Feng Gao*, Shan Gao* (2016). Multigene-based phylogeny of the ciliate familiesAmphisiellidae and Trachelostylidae (Protozoa: Ciliophora: Hypotrichia). MolecularPhylogenetics and Evolution, 101,101-110.
3.XiaoChen, Hongbo Pan, Jie Huang, Alan Warren, Saleh A. Al-Farraj, Shan Gao* (2016). New considerations on the phylogeny ofcyrtophorian ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora): expanded sampling to understandtheir evolutionary relationships. ZoologicaScripta, 45, 334-348.
4.FengGao#, Jiamei Li#, Wen Song, Dapeng Xu, Alan Warren, Zhenzhen Yi*, Shan Gao* (2016). Multi-gene-based phylogenetic analysis ofoligotrich ciliates with emphasis on two dominant groups: cyrtostrombidiids andstrombidiids (Protozoa, Ciliophora). MolecularPhylogenetics and Evolution, 105,241-250.
5.XiaoChen, Shan Gao*,Yifan Liu, Yuanyuan Wang, Yuri Wang, Weibo Song* (2016). Enzymatic and chemicalmapping of nucleosome distribution in purified micro- and macronuclei of theciliated model organism, Tetrahymenathermophila. Science China Life Sciences, 59, 909-919.
6. XiaoluZhao, Yuanyuan Wang, Yurui Wang, Yifan Liu, Shan Gao* (2016). Histone methyltransferase TXR1 is required forboth H3 and H3.3 lysine 27 methylation in the well-known ciliated protist Tetrahymena thermophila. ScienceChina Life Sciences,doi: 10.1007/s11427-016-0183-1.
7. ZhishuaiQu, Hongbo Pan, KA Al-Rasheid, Xiaozhong Hu*, Shan Gao* (2015).Morphological and phylogenetic studies on three Pseudochilodonopsis (Ciliophora, Cyrtophoria) isolated frombrackish waters in China, including a new species, P. quadrivacuolata spec. nov. International Journal of Systematic Evolution and Microbiology, 65, 4323-4334.
8.Xiaolu Zhao#, Shan Gao#, Yangbo Fan,Michaela Strueder-Kypke, Jie Huang (2015). Phylogenetic framework of thesystematically confused Anteholosticha– Holosticha complex (Ciliophora, Hypotrichia)based on multigene analysis. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 91, 238-247.
9.Shan Gao#, Ling Lu#, YanBai, Weibo Song, Cunming Duan (2014). Structural and functional analysis ofamphioxus HIFα reveals ancient features of the HIFα family. FASEB Journal, 28, 1880-1890.
10.FengGao, Shan Gao*, PuWang, Laura Katz, Weibo Song (2014). Phylogenetic analyses of cyclidiids (Protista, Ciliophora, Scuticociliatia)based on multiple genes suggest their close relationship with thigmotrichids. Molecular Phylogeneticsand Evolution, 75, 219-226.
11.ChunchaoZhang, Shan Gao,Yifan Liu, Philip C. Andrews (2014). Quantitative Proteomics Reveals HistoneModifications in Crosstalk with H3 Lysine 27 Methylation. Molecular &Cellular Proteomics, 13,749-759.
12.Shan Gao#, Jie Xiong#,Chunchao Zhang, Brian R. Berquist, Rendong Yang, Meng Zhao, Anthony J.Molascon, Shaina Y. Kwiatkowski, Dongxia Yuan, Zhaohui Qin, Jianfen Wen,Geoffrey M. Kapler, Philip C. Andrews, Wei Miao, Yifan Liu (2013). Impairedreplication elongation in Tetrahymena mutants deficient in histone H3 Lys 27 monomethylation. Genes & Development,27, 1662-1679.
13.Jiamei Li, Weiwei Liu, Shan Gao*, Alan Warren,Weibo Song (2013). Multigene-basedanalyses of the phylogenetic evolution of oligotrich ciliates, withconsideration of the Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 secondary structure of threesystematically ambiguous genera. Eukaryotic Cell, 12, 430-437.
14.Yuan Xu, Shan Gao*, Xiaozhong Hu,Khaled AS Al-Rasheid, Weibo Song (2013). Phylogenyand systematic revision of the karyorelictid genus Remanella (Ciliophora, Karyorelictea) with descriptions of two newspecies. European Journal of Protistology, 49, 438-452.
15.Shan Gao, Yifan Liu (2012). Interceptingnoncoding messages between germline and soma. Genes & Development, 26, 1774-1779.
16. Shan Gao, Jie Huang, Jiamei Li, Weibo Song (2012). Molecularphylogeny of the cyrtophorid ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora, Phyllopharyngea). Plos One, 7 (3), e33198.