



联系方式:wangy12@ouc.edu.cn   中国海洋大学鱼山校区化学馆304室                                                                                



2014.5至今     中国海洋大学海洋生命学院,“青年英才工程第三层次”,副教授    

2013.2-2014.5    美国内布拉斯加-林肯大学化学系博士后,导师:杜良成教授     

2010.10-2012.10   美国内布拉斯加-林肯大学化学系访问学者,导师:杜良成教授

2007.9-2012.12     山东大学微生物技术国家重点实验室,博士   导师:李越中教授

2003.9 -2007.6    山东师范大学生命科学学院,本科



1. 入选2016年度中国科协“青年人才托举工程”人才支持计划;

2. 2014年山东省优秀博士论文;

3. 2014年山东大学优秀博士论文;

4. 2015年国际合成生物学大赛世界银奖;

5. 美国内布拉斯加大学生化会议最佳海报奖;



1. 有益菌资源与酶资源应用开发;

2. 微生物遗传;

3. 细菌群体感应与感应淬灭的协同调控与在农业畜牧业中的应用;



1. 中国科协“青年人才托举工程”支持计划,2016-2018,项目负责人










1. Yong Han, Wang Yan,Yameng Yu, HaotongChen, Yuemao Shen, Liangcheng Du,2017.Indole-induced Reversion of IntrinsicMulti-antibiotic Resistance in Lysobacter enzymogenes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.(Acceptedin June 2017) (co-firstauthor)

2. Wang Yan, Hui Li, Xinxin Cui &Xiao-Hua Zhan*,2017.A novel stress response mechanism, triggered byindole,involved in quorum quenching enzyme MomL and iron-sulfur cluster inMuricauda olearia Th120. ScientificReports ( doi:10.1038/s41598-017-04606-8)

3. Zhuo Li, Wang Yan, Zhang Zheng, Li Jian,Zhang Xiao-Hua, Li Yue-zhong, 2017. Myxococcusxanthus DK1622 coordinates expressions of the duplicate groEL and single groES genes for synergistic functions of GroELs and GroES. Frontiers in Microbiology. (doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00733)(co-firstauthor)

4. Wang Yan, Qinghao Song, Xiao-Hua Zhang*. 2016. Marine Microbiological Enzymes:Studies with Multiple Strategies and Prospects. Marine Drugs, 14(10), 171; doi:10.3390/md14100171.

5.  QinghaoSong, WangYan*, Chong Yin, Xiao-Hua Zhang*. 2016. LaaA, a novel cold-adaptivealkalophilic alpha-amylase from deep-sea bacterium Luteimonas abyssiXH031. Enzymeand Microbial Technology, DOI:10.1016/j.enzmictec.2016.05.003(corresponding author)

6. Li Zhang, Wang Yan, Jing Liang, Qinghao Song, Xiao-Hua Zhang*.2016.Degradation properties of various macromolecules of cultivablepsychrophilic bacteria from the deep sea water of the South Pacific Gyre. Extremophiles, DOI:10.1007/s00792-016-0856-4 (co-first author)

7.  Wang Yan,Xiaojing Chen, and Yue-zhong Li*. 2016. Duplicated groEL genes in Myxococcusxanthus DK1622. Stress and EnviromentalRegulation of Gene Expression and Adaptation in Bacteria, chapter 14.5.

8. Han Y, Wang Yan, Simon Tombosa, Stephen Wright, Justin Huffman,Gary Yuen, Guoliang Qian, Fengquan Liu, Yuemao Shen, Liangcheng Du. 2015.Identification of a small molecule signaling factor that regulates thebiosynthesis of the antifungal polycyclic tetramate macrolactam HSAF in Lysobacter enzymogenes. ApplMicrobiol Biotechnol, 99(2):801-11. (co-first author)

9. Wang Yan.,X. Li,W. Zhang, X. Zhou, and Y. Z. Li. 2014. The groEL2 gene, but not groEL1, is required forbiosynthesis of the secondary metabolite myxovirescin in Myxococcus xanthusDK1622. Microbiology 160:488-495.

10.  Wang Yan, W. Y. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J. Li, Z. F. Li, Z. G. Tan, T. T. Zhang,Z. H. Wu, H. Liu, and Y. Z. Li. 2013. Mechanisms Involved in the FunctionalDivergence of Duplicated GroEL Chaperonins in Myxococcus xanthus DK1622. PLoS Genetics  9:e1003306.

11. Wang Yan, G. Qian, F. Liu, Y. Z. Li, Y. Shen,and L. Du. 2013. Facile method for site-specific gene integration in Lysobacter enzymogenes for yieldimprovement of the anti-MRSA antibiotics WAP-8294A and the antifungalantibiotic HSAF. ACS Synth Biol 2:670-678. (ACS Synthetic Biologylaunched on 2012, IF: 6.1)

12. WangYan,Qian, GL.,Li, YY., Wang, YS., Wang, YL., Wright Stephen, Li, YZ., Shen, YM., Liu, FQ.,Du, LC. 2013. Biosynthetic mechanism for sunscreen of the biocontrol agentlysobacter enzymogenes. PLoS One 8(6):e66633.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066633. (Cited by Cell)

13. Zhang, W., Y. Li, G. Qian, Wang Yan, H. Chen, Y. Z. Li, F. Liu,Y. Shen, and L. Du. 2011. Identification and characterization of theanti-methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus WAP-8294A2 biosynthetic genecluster from Lysobacter enzymogenes OH11. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 55:5581-5589.

14. Li,J., Wang Yan,C. Y. Zhang, W. Y. Zhang, D. M. Jiang, Z. H. Wu, H. Liu, and Y. Z. Li. 2010.Myxococcus xanthus viability depends on groEL supplied by either of two genes, but the paralogs have different functionsduring heat shock, predation, and development. Journal of Bacteriology 192:1875-1881. (co-first author) 


1.一种新型α-淀粉酶及其应用; 20150205474.4

