




邮箱:yaliu @ouc.edu.cn




2015年12月至今:中国海洋大学 海洋生命学院 副教授

2014年4—201511月: 中国海洋大学 海洋生命学院 讲师

2012年8—20141月:国家纳米科学中心  联合培养

2008年9—20136月:中国海洋大学海洋生命学院 海洋生物学专业 博士

2004年9—20086月:中国海洋大学海洋生命学院 生物技术专业 学士



1. 主持,国家自然科学基金, 21万,2016.01-2018.12

2. 主持,中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助, 8万,2014.9-2016.7

3. 主持,青岛市科技发展计划,5万,2015.9-2017.8

4. 主持,青年教师专项基金, 10万,2015.1-2016.12

5.  参与,国际合作研究重点项目,94万,2013.4-2016.3

6.  参与,国家自然科学基金,85万,2013.1-2016.12


1. YaLiu , Di Zhang ,Zeng-Ying Qiao , Guo-Bin Qi , Xing-Jie Liang , Xi-Guang Chen*, Hao Wang*.APeptide-Network Weaved Nanoplatform with Tumor Microenvironment Responsivenessand Deep Tissue Penetration Capability for Cancer Therapy. AdvancedMaterials 27 (2015) 5034–5042

2. Ya Liu, Li-Li Li, Guo-Bin Qi, Yun-Shan Fan, Xi-Guang Chen*, Hao Wang*. Dynamic Disordering of Co-Assemblied Liposomal Cocktails:Spatio-Temporal Controlled Release of Cargoes to Circumvent Drug Resistance. Biomaterials 35 (2014) 3406-3415.

3. Ya Liu, Fu-Ping Gao, Di Zhang, Yun-Shan Fan, Xi-GuangChen*, Hao Wang*. Molecular Structural TransformationRegulated Dynamic Disordering of Supramolecular Vesicles as pH-Responsive DrugRelease Systems. Journal of Controlled Release 173 (2014) 140–147.

4. Ya Liu,Ming Kong, Xiao Jie Cheng, Qian Qian Wang, Li Ming Jiang, Xi Guang Chen*.Self-assembled nanoparticles based on amphiphilic chitosan derivative andhyaluronic acid for gene delivery. Carbohydrate Polymers 94 (2013)309-316.

5. Ya Liu,Ming Kong, Kui Kun Yang, Yang Li, Jing Su, Xiao Jie Cheng, Hyun Jin Park*, XiGuang Chen*. Biocompatibility, cellular uptake and biodistribution of thepolymeric amphiphilic nanoparticles as oral drug carriers. Colloids and Surfaces B:Biointerfaces 103 (2013) 345-353.

6. Ya Liu, Hui Di Zang, Ming Kong, Fang Kui Ma, QiFeng Dang, Xiao Jie Cheng*, Qiu Xia Ji, Xi Guang Chen*. In vitro evaluation of mucoadhesion and permeationenhancement of polymeric amphiphilic nanoparticles. Carbohydrate Polymers 89 (2012) 453–460.

7. Ya Liu, Xiao Jie Cheng, Qi FengDang, Fang Kui Ma, Xi Guang Chen*, Hyun Jin Park, BumKeun Kim. Preparation and evaluation of Oleoyl-carboxymethy-chitosan (OCMCS)nanoparticles as oral protein carriers. Journal of Material Science: Material inMedicine. 23 (2012)375–384.

8. Zhong Yu Duan,* YuJuan Gao, Zeng Ying Qiao, Gang Fan, YaLiu, Di Zhang, and Hao Wang*. A photoacoustic approach for monitoring thedrug release of pH-sensitive poly(β-amino ester)s. Journal ofMaterials Chemistry B 2(2014) 6271-6282.

9. Fu-Ping Gao, Yao-XinLin, Li-Li Li, Ya Liu, UlrichMayerhöffer, Peter Spenst, Ji-Guo Su, Jing-Yuan Li*, Frank Würthner*, and HaoWang*. Supramolecular adducts of squaraine and protein for noninvasive tumorimaging and photothermal therapy in vivo. Biomaterials. 35 (2014) 1004-1014.

10. Ming Kong*; Lin Hou; Juan Wang; Chao Feng; Ya Liu;Xiao Jie Cheng; Xi Guang Chen*. Enhanced transdermal lymphaticdrug delivery of hyaluronic acid modified transfersomes for tumor metastasistherapy. Chemical Communications 51(2015)1453-1456

11. Zeng-Ying Qiao‡, Di Zhang‡, Chun-Yuan Hou, Si-Meng Zhao, Ya Liu, Yu-Juan Gao, Ning-Hua Tan* and Hao Wang*. A pH-responsivenatural cyclopeptide RA-V drug formulation for improved breast cancer therapy. Journal ofMaterials Chemistry B.3( 2015) 4514—4523

12. Zeng-Ying Qiao‡, Chun-Yuan Hou‡, Di Zhang, Ya Liu, Yao-Xin Lin, Hong-Wei An,Xiao-Jun Li and Hao Wang*. Self-assembly of cytotoxic peptideconjugated poly(b-amino ester)s for synergistic cancer chemotherapy. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 3(2015)2943-2953.

13. Qian Qian Wang; Ming Kong; Yi An; YaLiu; Jing Jing Li; Xuan Zhou; Jian Li; Shao Yan Jiang; Xiao Jie Cheng*; Xi Guang Chen*. Hydroxybutyl chitosan thermo-sensitive hydrogel: apotential drug delivery system. Journal of Materials Science 48(2013)5614-5623.

14. Fang Kui Ma,Jing Li, Ming Kong, Ya Liu, Yi An*,Xi Guang Chen*. Preparation and hydrolytic erosionof differently structured PLGA nanoparticles with chitosan modification. InternationalJournal of Biological Macromolecules 54 (2013) 174– 179.

15. Kui Kun Yang, Ming Kong, Ya Nan Wei, Ya Liu, Xiao Jie Cheng, Jing Li, HyunJin Park*, Xi Guang Chen*. Folate-modified–chitosan-coatedliposomes for tumor-targeted drug delivery. Journal of Material Science (2013)48(4)1717-1728. .

16. Yang Li,Ming Kong,ChaoFeng,WeiFang Liu,Ya Liu,XiaoJie Cheng*,XiGuang Chen*. Preparation and property of layer-by-layer alginate hydrogelbeadsbased on multi-phase emulsion technique. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 62(2012) 217–226.

17. Guixue Xia,Xuqian Lang, Ming Kong, Xiaojie Cheng, YaLiu, Chao Feng, Xiguang Chen*. Surface fluid-swellable chitosan fiber asthe wound dressing material. Carbohydrate Polymers 136 (2016) 860–866

18. Wei Zhao, Ming Kong*,Chao Feng, Xiaojie Cheng, Ya Liu,Xiguang Chen*. Investigation of gelling behavior of thiolated chitosan inalkaline condition and its application in stent coating. Carbohydrate Polymers 136 (2016) 307–315

19. JuanWang, Mengxue Xu, Xiaojie Cheng, Ming Kong, Ya Liu, Chao Feng*, Xiguang Chen*.Positive/negative surface charge of chitosan based nanogels and its potentialinfluence on oral insulin delivery. CarbohydratePolymers 136 (2016) 867–874

20. ChaoFeng*, Jing Li, Ming Kong, Ya Liu,Xiao Jie Cheng, Yang Li, Hyun Jin Park, Xi Guang Chen*. Surface charge effecton mucoadhesion of chitosan based nanogels forlocal anti-colorectal cancer drugdelivery. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 128 (2015)439–447.

21. Jing Li, Changqing Jiang, Xuqian Lang, Ming Kong,Xiaojie Cheng, Ya Liu, Chao Feng*,Xiguang Chen*. Multilayer sodiumalginate beads with porous core containing chitosan based nanoparticles fororal delivery of anticancer drug. InternationalJournal of Biological Macromolecules 85 (2016) 1–8.



1.刘雅,陈西广,程晓杰,孔明,冯超. 一种壳寡糖透明质酸复合纳米微粒的制备方法,国家发明专利、申请号20141069938380.2受理日20141128

2.陈西广, 颜冬, 程晓杰, 孔明, 刘雅.一种H型羧甲基壳聚糖纤维的制备方法,国家发明专利、申请号201410538850.7受理日20141014

3.陈西广,朗需谦,程晓杰,孔明,刘雅,冯超. 一种海藻酸钠的降解方法,国家发明专利、申请号201510647647.8受理日20151014

4.陈西广, 王娟, 程晓杰,孔明,刘雅,冯超,一种载胰岛素羧甲基壳聚糖-壳聚糖纳米制剂的制备方法,国家发明专利、申请号201510480154.x受理日201587

5.陈西广, 王璇璇,程晓杰,孔明,刘雅,冯超.一种岩藻黄素微胶囊的制备方法,国家发明专利、申请号201610059392.8受理日201621