2000~2002,中国海洋大学海洋生命学院 讲师
2002至今, 中国海洋大学海洋生命学院 副教授
主要从事生物海洋学及底栖生态学的教学和研究工作,近年来致力于海洋小型底栖动物尤其是底栖桡足类的分类学和生态学研究。已在国内外主流刊物发表论文50余篇,成果发表在ZOOTAXA,ZOOKEY,MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN等国际权威期刊上。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、主持山东省自然科学基金项目1项,参加国家自然科学基金面上和重点项目2项,参加生态环境部“生物多样性调查、观测和评估”专项、科技基础性工作及社会公益研究专项、海洋公益性行业科研专项各一项,主持重点实验室开放基金3项。
Fei Li, S. G. Cheung, P. K. S. Shin, Xiaoshou Liu, Yanan Li, Fanghong Mu*. The Multi-generational effect of Seawater Acidification on larval development, reproduction, ingestion rate, and ATPase activity of Tigriopus japonicus Mori, 1938. Water, 2023, 15, 816.
Fanghong Mu*, Rony Huys. A new species of Helmutkunzia Wells & Rao, 1976 from an intertidal sandy beach in Xiamen, China and proposal of Pseudobalucopsylla gen. nov. (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Miraciidae). Zootaxa, 2021, 5051 (1): 487–505.
Rony Huys*, Fanghong Mu. Johnwellsia, a new intertidal genus of Parastenheliidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from the Taiwan Strait, China, including a review of the family and key to genera. Zootaxa, 2021, 5051 (1): 236–318.
Er Hua, Yantao Sun§, Zhinan Zhang, Lei He, Chunyan Cui, Fanghong Mu*. Effects of reduced seawater pH on nematode community composition and diversity in sandy sediments. Marine Environmental Research, 2019, 150: 104773.
Fei Li, Jiahui Shi, S.G. Cheung, P.K.S. Shin, Xiaoshou Liu, Yantao Sun§, Fanghong Mu*. The combined effects of elevated pCO2 and food availability on Tigriopus japonicus Mori larval development, reproduction, and superoxide dismutase activity. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018, 126:623–628.
Fanghong Mu, Rony Huys*. New Mesopsyllus species from the Bohai Sea, China, re-evaluation of the validity of Vibriopsyllus Kornev & Chertoprud, 2008 and proposal of Sympodella gen. n. (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Canthocamptidae), ZooKeys, 2017, 718: 1–33.
Er Hua, Fanghong Mu*, Zhinan Zhang, Shichao Yang, Ting Zhang, Jia Li. Nematode community structure and diversity patterns in sandy beaches of Qingdao, China. Journal of Ocean University of China. 2016, 15(1):33–40.
Zhiquan Cao, Fanghong Mu*, Xiaohui Wei, Yantao Sun. Influence of CO2-induced seawater acidification on the development and lifetime reproduction of Tigriopus japonicus Mori, 1938. Journal of Natural History, 2015, 49(45–48):2813–2826.
Fanghong Mu, Rony Huys*. Canuellidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from the Bohai Sea, China. Journal of Natural History, 2004, 38: 1–36.
Fanghong Mu, Rony Huys*. New species of Stenhilia (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Diosaccidae) from the Bohai Sea with notes on subgeneric division and phylogenetic relationships. Cahiers De Biologie Marine, 2002, 43: 179–206.