




: duguo923@ouc.edu.cn


承担课程:藻类学、应用海藻学、Biology of Algae、藻类生物学理论及实验实践课程


1989 -1993山东农业大学,学士,植物保护专业    

1993 -2000,胜利油田植物保护站,助理农艺师

2000- 2003,中国农科院研究生院,硕士,植物病理学专业

2003 -今,中国海洋大学海洋生命学院,教授级高工

2005 -2010,韩国釜山大学,博士,海洋学专业

2014 -2015,法国拉罗谢尔大学,访问学者          


主要从事海洋藻类生物多样性、生理生态与表型组学等基础研究,包括底栖微藻生理生态、大型海藻生物固碳、经济海藻紫菜表型组及抗逆抗病性状的遗传基础研究;并开展海洋藻类活性物质、经济海藻良种选育与生态栽培技术、海藻的环境生态修复等应用研究。在国内外主流刊物发表论文上百余篇,成果发表在Nature communicationsPlant PhenomicsMarine Pollution Bulletin等国际权威期刊上。主持承担了国家自然基金“底栖微藻垂直迁移特性对群落光合效率的影响”、国家重点研发项目“黄渤海滩涂生态农牧化与三产融合模式示范”等项目课题;农业部全国农业科研杰出人才及其创新团队核心成员,山东省高水平基础研究科研团队成员,农业部现代农业产业技术体系藻类体系岗位专家团队成员;入选2021年江苏省双创人才;获授权国家发明专利3项,实用新型专利1 项;获得海洋科学技术奖二等奖1 项。


  1. Lihong Ma, Lin Tian, Yuqing Wang, Congying Xie, Guoying Du*. Physiological and transcriptome analysis of acclimatory response to cold stress in marine red alga Pyropia yezoensis. Algae, 2024, 39 (1) : 17–30

  2. Lin Tian, Lan Wu, Xuefeng Zhong, Lihong Ma, Guoying Du*. Genome-wide characterization of ABC transporter genes and expression profiles in red macroalga Pyropia yezoensis expose to low-temperature. Marine Biotechnology, 2024, 26: 1179–1193.

  3. Shuai Che, Lan Wu, Zhendong Wang, Lin Tian, Guoying Du*, Yunxiang Mao. Nondestructive estimation of specific macroelement contents in thalli of the red macroalga Pyropia yezoensis using hyperspectral imaging. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2024, 36, 3033–3045. 

  4. Shuai Che, Guoying Du*, Xuefeng Zhong, Zhaolan Mo, Zhengdong Wang, Yunxiang Mao. Quantification of photosynthetic pigments in Neopyropia yezoensis using hyperspectral imagery. Plant Phenomics, 2023, 5, 0012

  5. Guo-ying Du*, Xue-feng Zhong, Christine Dupuy, Shuai Che, Johann Lavaud*. Diuron effects on photosynthesis and vertical migration of microphytobenthos: Potential rapid bioassessment of herbicide toxicity in coastal sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2021, 170, 112619

  6. Shuai Che, Guoying Du*, Ning Wang, Kun He, Zhaolan Mo, Bin Sun, Yu Chen, Yifei Cao, Junhao Wang, Yunxiang Mao. Biomass estimation of cultivated red algae Pyropia using unmanned aerial platform based multispectral imaging.Plant Methods. 2021,17:12

  7. S Khan, GY Du*, Y Mao, S Khan, A Ahmed, A Khurshid & T U Khan. Effects of epiphytic diatom Licmophora paradoxaon photosynthesis, malondialdehyde contents and antioxidant enzymes activities of Pyropia yezoensis. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences.2020, 49(6) 982-988.

  8. D Wang, X Yu, K Xu, G Bi, M Cao, E Zelzion, C Fu, P Sun, Y Liu, F Kong, GY Du, D Bhattacharya, Y Mao. Pyropia yezoensis genome reveals diverse mechanisms of carbon acquisition in the intertidal environment. Nature communications. 2020,11(1-11).

  9. Lei Tang, Liping Qiu, Cong Liu, Guoying Du, Zhaolan Mo*, Xianghai Tang, Yunxiang Mao*. Transcriptomic insights into innate immunity responding to red rot disease in red alga Pyropia yezoensis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2019. 20(23), 59-70.

  10. Du GY, Yan HM, Liu CR, Mao YX. Behavioral and physiological photoresponses to light intensity by intertidal microphytobenthos. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2018. 36: 293-304

  11. Du GY*, Yan H.M., Dupuy C. Microphytobenthos as an indicator of environmental quality status in intertidal flats: case study of coastal ecosystem in Pertuis Charentais, France. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science2017(196):217-226


  1. 一种用于藻类高通量原位培养的装置. 杜国英, 茅云翔, 车帅, 李小姣. 专利号:ZL 2019 21142219.X

  2. 一种基于光谱图像的养殖紫菜生物量估测方法. 杜国英,茅云翔,车帅,唐祥海,钟雪锋. 专利号:ZL 2023 1 0000346.0