赵妍 ,博士,副教授
2008~2010,中国海洋大学海洋生命学院,硕士, 生态学专业
2010~2014,Texas A&M University,博士,海洋学专业
2014~2015,Texas A&M University,博士后
主要从事生物海洋学研究。研究领域为全球变化及人类活动双重胁迫下海洋浮游植物生理生态学及生理遗传学,以及应用微藻固碳缓解全球变暖的应用技术研究。近五年,主持或参加国家级课题6项;以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文20余篇,包括Journal of Phycology, Environmental pollution, Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Applied Phycology等藻类学和环境生态学权威期刊。
Danrui Li#, Qian Liu#, Yirong Zhao, Mengchen Lv, Xuexi Tang, Yan Zhao*. ROS meditated paralytic shellfish toxins production changes of Alexandrium tamarense caused by microplastic particles, Environmental Pollution, accepted.
Luying Li, Xuexi Tang, Yirong Zhao, Bihan Zhang, Yan Zhao*. Enhanced extracellular polymeric substances production defending microalgal cells against the stress of tetrabromobisphenol A, Journal of Applied Phycology, accepted.
Danrui Li, Xuexi Tang, Xianzhen Xu, Yirong Zhao, Luying Li, Bihan Zhang, Yan Zhao*, UV-B radiation alleviated detrimental effects of polymethyl methacrylate microplastics on marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana, Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 892(164388).
Chengxiang Kan, Yirong Zhao, Kaiming Sun, Xuexi Tang, Yan Zhao*, The inhibition and recovery mechanisms of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum in response to high light stress - A study combining physiological and transcriptional analysis, Journal of Phycology, 2023,59:418-431
Jun Li, Xuexi Tang*, Kehou Pan, Baohua Zhu, Yan Zhao*, Energy metabolism and intracellular pH regulation reveal physiological acclimation mechanisms of Chlorella strains to high concentrations of CO2, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 853:158627.
Mengchen Lv, Yirong Zhao, Danrui Li, Bihan Zhang, Luying Li, Zhen Liu, Xuexi Tang, Yan Zhao*, The adsorption and absorption kinetics of BDE-47 by Chlorella sp. and the role of extracellular polymer substances influenced by environmental factors, Environmental Research, 2022, 216:114698.
Jun Li, Kehou Pan, Xuexi Tang*, Yun Li, Baohua Zhu, Yan Zhao*, The molecular mechanisms of Chlorella sp. responding to high CO2: A study based on comparative transcriptome analysis between strains with high- and low-CO2 tolerance, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 763: 144185.
Yirong Zhao, Xuexi Tang, Fangyuan Qu, Mengchen Lv, Qian Liu, Jun Li, Luying Li, Bihan Zhang, Yan Zhao*, ROS-mediated programmed cell death (PCD) of Thalassiosira pseudonana under the stress of BDE-47, Environmental pollution, 2020, 262: 114342.
Mengchen Lv, Xuexi Tang, Yirong Zhao, Jun Li, Bihan Zhang, Luying Li, Yongshun Jiang, Yan Zhao*, The toxicity, bioaccumulation and debromination of BDE-47 and BDE-209 in Chlorella sp. under multiple exposure modes, Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 723: 138086.
Jun Lim Xuexi Tang, Kehou Pan, Baohua Zhu, Yun Li, Xuebin Ma, Yan Zhao*,The regulating mechanisms of CO2 fixation and carbon allocations of two Chlorella sp. strains in response to high CO2 levels, Chemosphere, 2020, 247: 125814.